Thank you, Gabriele.

Now I realize "context sensitive" nature of field separator.


Tena Sakai

On 5/30/10 1:37 AM, "Gabriele Bartolini" <>

> Tena Sakai ha scritto:
>> Can somebody please tell me what ³|² is called in my example above?
>> And is it possible to change it from ³|² to something else for
>> display purpose?
> The field separatore in psql is used only when the format is "unaligned"
> (which does not happen to be default).
> In order for it to be effective, you need to type in psql:
> \pset format unaligned
> \pset fieldsep '\t'
> This will give you an output with columns that are separated by tab.
> However, I suggest that you look at the documentation for more options
> and ways to achive the same results:
> Cheers,
> Gabriele

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