I have a Postgresql 8.3 instance with tablespaces totalling on about 74G. This 
is fine.

But if I ask Postgresql how big my database is, I get a (unexpected) large 
answer: 595 GB.

This seems very strange. Disk I/O tests on the system are in the 'normal' 
range, but queries are slower than they used to be.

Is this corruption of the database? Or are there ways to 'fix' this oddity?


I check the tablespace size by the os:

/usr/local/pgsql/data/tblspaces/du -c -h
74G total 

All tablespaces are there. I check this by the \db command in pgsql

I check te database size like this:

select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('database')) 
595 GB
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