>On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 04:03 -0700, Rob Audenaerde wrote:
>> I have a Postgresql 8.3 instance with tablespaces totalling on about 74G. 
>> This is fine.
>> But if I ask Postgresql how big my database is, I get a (unexpected) large 
>> answer: 595 GB.
>> This seems very strange. Disk I/O tests on the system are in the 'normal' 
>> range, but queries are slower than they used to be.
>> Is this corruption of the database? Or are there ways to 'fix' this oddity?
>> Btw:
>> I check the tablespace size by the os:
>> /usr/local/pgsql/data/tblspaces/du -c -h
>> 74G total
>> All tablespaces are there. I check this by the \db command in pgsql
>> I check te database size like this:
>> select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('database'))
>> 595 GB

> You should also check the space held in $PGDATA/base.

I did. It is only 320 MB.

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