On 09/04/2012 11:45 PM CEST, Craig Ringer wrote:
> > The 64 bits server is the master and I tried to configure the 32 bits
> one as a standby server.
> That isn't a supported configuration. The standby needs to be the same
> architecture as the master and needs to use the same compilation
> options.
> I'm surprised the error message wasn't more useful in this case.
> > I can recompile PostgreSQL on the 64bit architecture without this
> configure option, but I wonder if there will be a performance drawback.
> It still won't work. If you want to replicate from a 64-bit machine to
> a 32-bit machine you will need to build a 32-bit version of PostgreSQL
> on the 64-bit machine.
> --
> Craig Ringer

Thank you for your answers.

I wasn't aware of the binary problem with replication.
Maybe the PostgreSQL docs should emphasize the architecture restriction.

I'll explore the other solutions.


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