Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> and GetTemplateEncoding is just about as SEGV-proof as any routine
> I've ever seen:
> static int    templateEncoding;
> ...
> int
> GetTemplateEncoding()
> {
>       return (templateEncoding);
> }


> I speculate that you gave gdb the wrong executable file to compare
> to the core file ...

I too had a hard time believeing it. I used xemacs (M-x gdb-with-core)
and used the core dump and /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres. I was
surprised that there was funcion names, since there shouldn't be any
(no debugging symbols). Hence I think too, this backtrace is
rubbish. :(

I'll see if I can get one tomorrow, but I will have to rebuild
postgres with -g and recreate the error. Problem is, I couldn't do it
on my machine. Odd...

I'll get back to you when I have more info.


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