"Peter Brant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I ended up modifying the elog again with the following results:
> PANIC:  right sibling is not next child in "Panel_pkey", parent is 271,
> target is 635, rightsib is 629, nextoffset is 87

OK, so the part of the pg_filedump info we need to see is items 86/87
in block 271, plus a few around them for good measure.

Are the values of the keys in this index sensitive data, or are they
just serial numbers of some kind?  If we could see pg_dump -i -f rather
than just -i, it might help.  I'd like to see the dumps of pages 635,
636, 629 as well (mostly their "special space" contents).

                        regards, tom lane

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