Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
> So that just leaves this sort of thing:
> explain (format yaml) select * from foo as "123";
What about other quoted identifiers?  If I recall correctly, a
quoted identifier can contain *any* characters (although a quote
must be represented as two adjacent quotes).
test=# create schema "0";
test=# create table "0"."123" ("456" int primary key);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"123_pkey" for table "123"
test=# explain (format yaml) select * from "0"."123" where "456" =
            QUERY PLAN
 - Plan:                          +
     Node Type: Index Scan        +
     Scan Direction: Forward      +
     Index Name: "\"123_pkey\""   +
     Relation Name: 123           +
     Alias: 123                   +
     Startup Cost: 0.00           +
     Total Cost: 8.27             +
     Plan Rows: 1                 +
     Plan Width: 4                +
     Index Cond: "(\"456\" = 789)"
(1 row)
Also, the trailing spaces in this format (stripped from this email
to avoid odd spacing) are more than a little annoying.


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