On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:51, Denise Kanyuh <kan...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Alex,
>   Yes -- I am aware that we are on an old release --
> when you say - my hunch is
> they do not ship binaries for AIX (7.1).
> what binaries are you taking about --- we use the same installer and files
> on AIX 6.1 and it works -- it appears that there is something different in
> AIX 7.1 -- either something that is not longer in the AIX 7.1 OS base  (is
> that what you where thinking) or someing in posgres that need to change to
> accomidate this new OS?

Its this bit:

>> The installation failed at step: PostGreSOL Installation.
>> For additional information, please review the log files stored in the
>> archive: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/logs.zip

Ive no idea what that the above is doing, it looks like some kind of
installer...  Given the error you seem to get "Unknown architecture for
shared libraries", it sounds like its using precompiled binaries for a
different architecture or older version of AIX.  Again, Ive no idea as all
that is hidden by the installer.

I suspect if you can download the tarball and go through the ./configure &&
make dance and show us any errors you hit along the way, someone might be
able to help...  If you dont get any errors, then maybe showing us the
output of: uname -a, gcc -v, (and on the resultant binaries) file initdb,
ldd initdb.  An strace (or ktrace, not sure what AIX has if any) of initdb
may also be helpful.  It might also be interesting to see what happens when
you run initdb directly, the installers log file may be omitting something

Im no AIX guy, but you have not provided nearly enough info for someone to
help you :-(.

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