On 07/22/2010 07:51 PM, Denise Kanyuh wrote:

Yes -- I am aware that we are on an old release --

any plans to upgrade?

when you say - my hunch is
they do not ship binaries for AIX (7.1).

what binaries are you taking about --- we use the same installer and
files on AIX 6.1 and it works -- it appears that there is something
different in AIX 7.1 -- either something that is not longer in the AIX
7.1 OS base (is that what you where thinking) or someing in posgres that
need to change to accomidate this new OS?

so you just copied the binary files over from AIX 6.1 .have you tried what happens when you actually compile on AIX 7.1? The filename in your "installers" error suggests that initdb fails - so what happens when you do a manual initdb with your binaries?

On a different note - if IBM is using PostgreSQL on AIX internally you might want to consider providing buildfarm support on different AIX versions, that would help you and the community in supporting AIX.



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