Also, here is a link to the same issue on StackOverflow:

Also solved using %COMSPEC% /c, though it doesn't say why this is a problem.


On 1/26/2012 11:37 AM, Eric Borts wrote:
On 1/26/2012 1:17 AM, Dave Page wrote:
Dharmendra, can you look into this please?

Eric, is there anything unusual about the configuration of your
machine? Suffice it to say, this doesn't normally happen.

Hi Dave, I'm guessing the answer to that question is "yes". The machine came preinstalled with Norton Internet Security, but this was turned off when I ran the install. After further investigation to the .bat file, I realized that I am also missing the "Edit" option when I right click a batch file.

I investigated, uninstalled stuff, disabled a lot of stuff in my registry, and nearly bricked my computer. After three hours, I'm going to have to ask for suggestions. Here's what I found/tried:

1. uninstalled Norton Internet Security (and rebooted)
2. uninstalled Acrobat Reader
3. disabled all ContextMenuHandlers by
    a. renaming HKCR/*/shellex to oldshellex
    b. renaming HKCR/AllFileSystemsObjects/shellex to oldshellex
c. tried, but was unable to rename HKCR/batfile/ShellEx, so renamed HKCR/batfile/ShellEx/ContextMenuHandlers to oldContextMenuHandlers 4. disabled all non-Microsoft shell extensions using ShellExView <> 5. rebooted - computer bricked (black screen when Windows should be loading)
6. booted in safe mode
7. tested script (from my original response) and right click.
    a. no Edit option in batch file context menu
    b. script hung as before
8. Undid steps 3 and 4 in safe mode
9. Rebooted - booted into windows properly
10. Still no Edit in context menu and script still hangs

I'm open to suggestions. I think it might be related to Edit menu missing from my batch file, as this is the only odd thing that I can tell about my machine. I have another similar machine (earlier model Vaio) that both has the Edit menu and runs the test script successfully. I compared the HKCR/batfile registry trees (using TortoiseSVN diff) and they are identical. Short of comparing the entire registry I'm at a loss.

Would it be too dangerous to use WScript.Shell.Exec or to use WScript.Shell.Run "%COMPSEC% /c" ? This has been an 11 hour struggle for me so far, and I know at least a few others have had this same problem. Here is a link to my work around on enterprisedb <>.


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