> On Feb 25, 2018, at 4:00 AM, Jürgen Purtz <juer...@purtz.de> wrote:
> As an addition to my mail from January 2016 concerning graphics 
> (https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/568A9148.30303%40purtz.de) I propose 
> to use SVG (after switching to XML) - but not an SVG which is generated by 
> Inkscape or similar tools. Those editors generate very ugly and chatty 
> commands. This form is not easy to read or understand. Therefore we shall use 
> nothing but a simple text editor and write every line by our self. The 
> process is divided into two parts:
> As a basis we shall develop an SVG library containing a bunch of "atomic" 
> symbols of simple graphical elements (rectangle, arrow, ...) up to complex 
> elements (magnetic disc, laptop, cloud, UML-elements, ...). The SVG routines 
> creating those symbols shall accept parameters for position, size, rotation, 
> colour, ... . This library shortens the individual SVG files, it ensures a 
> consistent rendering of common graphical elements, it is diff-able, and it 
> will reach a stable state - some day.
> The real graphics shall use the elements of the library and add individual 
> SVG elements. The rules for this part are the same as above: create SVG 
> commands with vi (or similar), store it in git.
> If such an approach works (we must distribute the docs across a wide range of 
> different systems, a proof-of-system is necessary) and the community accepts 
> my proposal, I would like to work on the library-part - starting after 
> finishing my actual project in about 6 weeks from now. The attached file 
> contains a very first draft as of Jan. 2016.

Writing SVG by hand maybe doesn't seem the best idea.

I understand the attraction to people who want to store everything as diffable 
text, but images of this sort are unlikely to get updated by others, which 
means they're unlikely to be maintained as the things they're intended to 
document change. It also means that the people best suited to generating 
diagrams are the least likely to do so, and vice-versa.


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