> On Feb 25, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 26 February 2018 at 04:12, Steve Atkins <st...@blighty.com> wrote:
> Writing SVG by hand maybe doesn't seem the best idea.
> I understand the attraction to people who want to store everything as 
> diffable text, but images of this sort are unlikely to get updated by others, 
> which means they're unlikely to be maintained as the things they're intended 
> to document change. It also means that the people best suited to generating 
> diagrams are the least likely to do so, and vice-versa.
> Yeah, I think it'd just effectively preserve the status quo by rendering 
> anyone who's willing to add images and designs to the docs unable - or 
> unlikely to be willing - to do so. 

Yup. I do think that graphics would be nice in a few places, and that SVG is 
likely the best format for them.

There are quite a few tools that could be integrated with varying amounts of 
effort into the documentation generation workflow.

# ASCII language or ascii art to SVG

# asciitosvg


Inspired by ditaa, similar in functionality

## blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, nwdiag


Generates various box and arrow diagrams from a DOT-ish input language.

## ditaa

It takes ascii art of box and arrow diagrams and turns them into nice svg. Also 
supports boxes that look like "storage" cylinders, documents, clouds and 

## erd


Entity relationship diagrams, from a plain text input. Uses DOT and graphviz 
under the covers.

## Markdeep


In-browser javascript rendering of ascii art, particularly boxes and arrows.

Alternate implementation, https://github.com/blampe/goat, converts to SVG via 

## Mermaid

Flowcharts and sequence diagrams from a markdown-esque input.

## mscgen

Message sequence chart inputs in a DOT-ish language to SVG

## plantuml


It supports a human-editable descriptive text input language and generates from 

  sequence diagrams
  various box + arrow style diagrams
  state diagrams

## shaape


Converts ascii art to SVG. Rather nice.

## svgbob


Ascii art to SVG. Likely good for boxes and arrows.

## syntrax


Railroad diagrams (like the ones SQLite docs are known for).

## umlet


Pointy-clicky editor, but also converts plain text to uml, sequence, activity 

# Interactive editor

## SVG-Edit


Open source, browser based interactive SVG editor. Seems to generate fairly 
clean SVG.


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