I take the reactions of the last days as a strong consent to go on with the effort to integrate graphics into the documentation and use SVG as the language which creates such graphics. Also the proposed parallel handling of two SVG files - a rich but tool-specific version (optional and not normative) and a poor tool-independent version (mandatory and normative) - for the same graphic seems to be accepted. The community agrees that this way is not optimal because the use of *different SVG-tools* will lead to unnecessary problems - but there is no consensus about tools.

What shall we do next:

 * I will create one or more wiki pages where the procedure is
   described. Everybody can extend this pages or contribute to their
   discussion sites. The pages will be found in the category
   'Documentation' and its subcategory 'SVG' (to be created).
 * Actually, we have the very simple example 'PageLayout.svg' and an
   example of medium complexity 'gin.svg'. For testing purposes we
   shall have a third one of high complexity and with many different
   graphical elements. Can someone send such an example - as a
   screenshot or in any other format?
 * I want to engage everybody to identify important issues of PG and
   visualize them (similar to Oleg's proposal). We will have a -
   possibly long lasting - period of experiments with different
   examples. I think, it's necessary that we make our experiences with
   different tools and proceedings (one person creates a graphic,
   another one contributes changes, using the same or a different tool,
   ...). Those examples shall not be pure academic use cases. They
   shall reflect real situations with the expectation to be included
   into the documentation - one day or another.
 * In the initial phase, it may be helpful to do some centralized
   clearings on the first SVG source files. 'Copy&Paste' is widely used
   and the first examples will have the meaning of a lighthouse.
 * I will contact our web-team to discuss style-guide related issues.

Kind regards, Jürgen

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