Em 20/11/2017 18:07, Joshua D. Drake escreveu:
On 11/20/2017 12:03 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Unfortunately, the removal of the footer is a feature not a bug.
In order to be DKIM-compatible and thus help avoid becoming classified
as spammers, we can't mangle message content anymore, just like we
can't mangle the Subject: line.

Ugh, o.k.
In principle, the List-Unsubscribe: headers that are now included in
mailing list headers allow MUAs to offer convenient unsubscribe
buttons.  Not sure how many of the people who are complaining use
mail agents that don't handle that.

I use Thunderbird which I imagine most people on the lists are using. I can't find where these would work to unsubscribe.

Well this is a pain for everyone it seems.


Seems that Thunderbird (latest stable version) doesn't understand the unsubscribe header.
Or, perhaps, it is wrong.



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