I´m using Postgres 10 on ubuntu.

suppose a simple Master/Detail structure like this:

create table Master(ID integer primary key, name text);
create table Detail(ID integer primary key, Master_ID Integer, OtherInfo
alter table Detail add constraint FKMasterDetail foreign key (Master_ID)
references Master(ID) on update cascade on delete cascade;

Then insert some records on it:
insert into Master(ID, Name) values(1,'First'), values(2,'Second');
insert into Detail(ID, Master_ID, OtherInfo) values(1,1,'Detail
Information'), (2,2,'Detail Information2');

Then, if I delete on Master will delete on detail too. Fine.
delete from Master where ID=1;

But now, suppose I have a complex trigger before update or delete that runs
on Detail table.
create function DoAComplexJobOnDetail() returns trigger as $$
  -- Do lots of things then
  Return new; --This is the error, because I´m returning new even for
end;$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger DetailDoAComplexJob before update or delete on Detail for
each row execute procedure DoAComplexJobOnDetail();

Then try to delete the other Master record. It will be deleted on Master but
Detail record doesn´t and will obviously become invalid because the foreign
delete from Master where ID=2;
select * from Master; --will show no records.
select * from Detail; --will show one record pointing to Master_ID=2, that
doesn´t exist anymore.

Is this a bug or it´s mine responsability to check that trigger result ?
If that trigger responds incorrectly I think that no information could be

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