CentOS 7 $ rpm -q postgresql10 postgresql10-10.6-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64
SQL script for psql: \set table_size 1000000 begin; create table gender (gender varchar); insert into gender (gender) select case when random<0.50 then 'female' when random<0.99 then 'male' else 'other' end from (select random() as random, generate_series(1,:table_size)) as subselect; create index gender_btree on gender using btree (gender); create index gender_hash on gender using hash (gender); commit; vacuum full analyze; Vacuum full is not necessary here, just a little vodoo programming. I expected that the hash index will be much smaller and quicker than the btree index, because it doesn’t keep values inside itself, only hashes. But: => \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+--------+-------+-------+-------+------------- public | gender | table | olleg | 35 MB | (1 row) => \di+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table | Size | Description --------+--------------+-------+-------+--------+-------+------------- public | gender_btree | index | olleg | gender | 21 MB | public | gender_hash | index | olleg | gender | 47 MB | (2 rows) The hash index not only is more than the btree index, but also is bigger than the table itself. What is wrong with the hash index?