I am just doing experiment what a type a most suitable for enumeration in 
PostgreSQL. And what index. And this effect looked for me very strange. There 
is in the PostgreSQL one another hash index. This is gin(jsonb_path_ops) for 
the jsob type. It is also use hash internally, but it is much better.
Example based on the previous example.

create table jender (jdoc jsonb);

insert into jender (jdoc) select ('{"gender": "'||gender||'"}')::jsonb from 

create index jender_hash on jender using gin (jdoc jsonb_path_ops);

=> \d+
                   List of relations
 Schema |  Name  | Type  | Owner | Size  | Description
 public | gender | table | olleg | 35 MB |
 public | jender | table | olleg | 54 MB |
(2 rows)

=> \di+
                           List of relations
 Schema |     Name     | Type  | Owner | Table  |  Size   | Description
 public | gender_btree | index | olleg | gender | 21 MB   |
 public | gender_hash  | index | olleg | gender | 47 MB   |
 public | jender_hash  | index | olleg | jender | 1104 kB |
(3 rows)

Very much better. What about to copy paste algorithm from gin(jsonb_path_ops) 
to the hash index?

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