
We use postgresql 9.6 and pgpool 3.7.5 and we are now asked to enable ssl
for 'in transit'. I have setup the ssl server side on the
postgresql dbs ( master and slave) and can see in pg_stat_ssl that the
master slave communication and connections from the application are showing
ssl = 't'

I have set the parameters in pgpool.conf as well but not sure if the pgpool
is working with ssl enabled. because when I try to connect
with psql using pgpool I get below:

[postgres@pgool-server ~]$ psql 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres
user=user1  sslmode=require'
psql: server does not support SSL, but SSL was required

Can you please advise on the above error, is the pgpool not supporting ssl
because it is not compiled with openssl? However, I can see when I do 'ldd' on pgpool binary.

Best Regards

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