Vikas Sharma <> writes:
> We use postgresql 9.6 and pgpool 3.7.5 and we are now asked to enable ssl
> for 'in transit'. I have setup the ssl server side on the
> postgresql dbs ( master and slave) and can see in pg_stat_ssl that the
> master slave communication and connections from the application are showing
> ssl = 't'

> I have set the parameters in pgpool.conf as well but not sure if the pgpool
> is working with ssl enabled. because when I try to connect
> with psql using pgpool I get below:

> [postgres@pgool-server ~]$ psql 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres
> user=user1  sslmode=require'
> psql: server does not support SSL, but SSL was required

Hm, is pgpool maybe using Unix-socket connections to the database?
I'm not sure why pgpool would be trying to pass SSL-ness of the
connection through to the server in that case, though.  Seems like
something you should discuss with the pgpool people.

                        regards, tom lane

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