On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 3:44 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> If I am following what you want is to_char(<interval>,'HH24:MM:SS') to
> be equal, correct?

Not really.  My original question was:

[since intervals are stored internally as months, days and microseconds...]

> What Postgres actually stores for an interval is three fields:
> > months, days, and microseconds.

> *Is there a way to view/extract this raw data for any given interval?*

And again, I don't want to make anything equal, I'm looking for ways to get
info about the non-identicalness.

I think we've established these two intervals are equal but not identical:

   - '1 day 2 hours'::interval
   - '26 hours'::interval2

Given that, my questions:

   1. Is the internal representation in months, days and microseconds
   different for these two intervals?
   2. (If no, what else is it that makes them non-identical?)
   3. Is there a way to access the internal representation?

And thanks to all of you who have responded!


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