Hi, I'm testing if some dataset contains an array of elements and want to 
return all “not containing the specified array”, including entries in master 
table not being referenced.

I have the following schema:

drop table if exists stuff;
drop table if exists test;
id varchar primary key

create table stuff(
id serial primary key,
test_id varchar NOT NULL REFERENCES test(id),
v varchar not null,
unique (test_id, v)

INSERT INTO test(id) values ('a');
INSERT INTO test(id) values ('b');
INSERT INTO test(id) values ('c');
INSERT INTO test(id) values ('d');

INSERT INTO stuff(test_id, v)
values ('a', 'x')

INSERT INTO stuff(test_id, v)
values ('b', 'x')
 , ('b', 'y')

INSERT INTO stuff(test_id, v)
values ('c', 'x')
 , ('c', 'y')
 , ('c', 'z')

select * from test t
WHERE NOT ARRAY['x']::varchar[] <@ (select array_agg(s.v) from stuff s WHERE s.
test_id= t.id)

select * from test t
WHERE NOT ARRAY['x', 'y']::varchar[] <@ (select array_agg(s.v) from stuff s 
WHERE s.test_id = t.id)

select * from test t
WHERE NOT ARRAY['x', 'y', 'z']::varchar[] <@ (select array_agg(s.v) from stuff 
s WHERE s.test_id = t.id)

select * from test t
WHERE NOT ARRAY ['x', 'y', 'z', 't']::varchar[] <@ (select array_agg(s.v) from 
stuffs WHERE s.test_id = t.id)

-- This works, but I'd rather not do the extra EXISTS
select * from test t
WHERE (NOT ARRAY ['x', 'y', 'z', 't']::varchar[] <@ (select array_agg(s.v) from
stuffs WHERE s.test_id = t.id)
select * from stuff s where s.test_id = t.id

So, I want to return all entries in test not having any of ARRAY ['x', 'y', 
'z', 't'] referenced in the table stuff, and I'd like to have test.id="d" 
returned as well, but in order to do that I need to execute the “or not 
exists”-query. Is it possible to avoid that?

Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963
andr...@visena.com <mailto:andr...@visena.com>
www.visena.com <https://www.visena.com>

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