>  Is there a problem with the installation of 8.1?  I’ve installed it 3 times 
> but when I bring it up it still says I’m at 7.8.  The Help > About menu shows 
> 7.8 as well.

> It’s odd because I have gone from 7.6 to 7.7 and 7.7 to 7.8 following the 
> same steps.

When I look at the directory on my machine that pgAdmin is installed to, I see 
the following:

C:\Users\ <my_user>\AppData\Local\Programs\pgAdmin 4>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 42DF-4B8A

 Directory of C:\Users\<my_user>\AppData\Local\Programs\pgAdmin 4

11/28/2023  09:44 AM    <DIR>          .
11/28/2023  09:44 AM    <DIR>          ..
11/20/2023  12:26 PM            91,965 DEPENDENCIES
11/28/2023  09:43 AM    <DIR>          docs
11/28/2023  09:44 AM    <DIR>          installer
11/20/2023  12:26 PM             1,196 LICENSE
11/20/2023  12:26 PM            35,147 pgAdmin4.ico
11/28/2023  09:44 AM    <DIR>          python
11/28/2023  12:50 PM    <DIR>          runtime
11/20/2023  12:46 PM         3,417,277 sbom.json
11/28/2023  09:44 AM         4,766,927 unins000.dat
11/28/2023  09:43 AM         3,166,605 unins000.exe
02/01/2023  10:59 AM    <DIR>          v6
08/16/2023  01:17 PM    <DIR>          v7
11/28/2023  09:49 AM    <DIR>          web

Note that v6 and v7 are in subdirectories but v8 is not.  If you have an 
existing shortcut that you are using, then perhaps it is pointed to the v7 
directory and needs to be updated to point to the directory that v8 is 
installed in.  That would also explain why you had no problems with minor 
updates of v7 but are seeing this after moving to v8.


Good thinking but no.  All I have in 
D:\Users\dbarron-aas\AppData\Local\Programs\pgAdmin 4 is the v7 directory.

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