> Out of curiosity, As OP mentioned that there will be Joins and also
> filters on column Customer_id column , so why don't you think that
> subpartition by customer_id will be a good option? I understand List
> subpartition may not be an option considering the new customer_ids gets
> added slowly in the future(and default list may not be allowed) and also OP
> mentioned, there is skewed distribution of data for customer_id column.
> However what is the problem if OP will opt for HASH subpartition on
> customer_id in this situation?

It doesn't really gain you much, given you would be hashing it, the
customers are unevenly distributed, and OP talked about filtering on the
customer_id column. A hash partition would just be a lot more work and
complexity for us humans and for Postgres. Partitioning for the sake of
partitioning is not a good thing. Yes, smaller tables are better, but they
have to be smaller targeted tables.

sud wrote:

130GB of storage space as we verified using the "pg_relation_size"
> function, for a sample data set.

You might also want to closely examine your schema. At that scale, every
byte saved per row can add up.


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