On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 5:20 PM Alec Lazarescu <al...@alecl.com> wrote:

> "Would probably look at a nested partitioning"
> I'm not the original poster, but I have a schema with nested
> (composite) partitions and I do run into some significant
> inefficiencies compared to flat partitions in various schema metadata
> operations (queries to get the list of tables, creating foreign keys,
> etc.) in tables with 1,000+ total partitions.
> One example:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAE%2BE%3DSQacy6t_3XzCWnY1eiRcNWfz4pp02FER0N7mU_F%2Bo8G_Q%40mail.gmail.com
> Alec
Hi Alec,

would need to see the DDL of the partitions and the queries accessing these
partitions to have an opinion

Thank you

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