Yes, I'm just taking the value ntuples returned after doing:

select distinct customer_username from customerdata group by

I guess my big thing was that I saw a couple of
select count(distinct something) from table;

examples in an SQL book that I have.  Was just curious as to whether psql
didn't support this type of command or decided that a better way existed
to write the query.  Thanks to all for the thoughts and ideas.  Maybe this
support will be added at some juncture.

Aaron Holtz
ComNet Inc.
UNIX Systems Specialist
"It's not broken, it just lacks duct tape."

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Bob Dusek wrote:

>Hey there... 
>> SELECT customer_username, COUNT(customer_username) FROM customerdata GROUP BY 
>The above query, in effect, does the same thing that:
>SELECT DISTINCT(customer_username) from customerdata
>does.  In order to get the total number of distinct customer_usernames,
>you would still have to count the rows returned (which is easily 
>enough done with PHP $count = pg_NumRows($query_result)).  
>My guess is that SELECT DISTINCT might even be a bit quicker...?? (gurus)

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