On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Herouth Maoz wrote:

> At 18:50 +0300 on 28/04/1999, Aaron Holtz wrote:
> > db=> select count(distinct customer_username) from customerdata;
> > ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "distinct"
> >
> > How do you get a count of distinct data output via postgres?  I can always
> > just count the number of tuples returned but this seemed to be a valid
> > query.
> Valid it is, but not yet supported in PostgreSQL.
> An (ugly) workaround would be something along the lines of:
> SELECT count(customer_username)
> FROM customerdata c1
> WHERE int( oid ) = (
>   SELECT min( int( c2.oid ) )
>   FROM customerdata c2
>   WHERE c1.customer_username = c2.customer_username
> );

I think, Aaron, you could get a count of distinct customer names like this:

SELECT DISTINCT customer_username, COUNT(*) FROM customerdata
GROUP BY customer_username;

This will give you 2 columns, one with the distinct customer_usernames 
and the second with the count of each.  The GROUP BY caluse is important 
here.  This looks like what you wanted in your original query.

Brett W. McCoy           
Schapiro's Explanation:
        The grass is always greener on the other side -- but that's
because they use more manure.

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