Perhaps this is useful for the FAQ as it was very difficult for me to

To increase shared mem and semaphores on BSDI
(courtesy of Sin'ichiro Miyatani on bsdi-users list)

  In /usr/src/sys/sys/sem.h,

#ifndef SEMMNI
#define SEMMNI  10              /* # of semaphore identifiers */
#ifndef SEMMNS
#define SEMMNS  60              /* # of semaphores in system */

So 10 and 60 are default values.  To increase # of semaphore, add next
line into kernel configuration file and recompile your kernel.

options "SEMMNI=XX"
options "SEMMNS=YY"

XX and YY are number you need.

  And in /usr/src/sys/sys/shm.h:

#define SHMMAXPGS       1024    /* max hardware pages for shared memory */

It seems this value is hard coded and there is no kernel configuration

John Henderson


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