I could really use some help understanding where exactly the limits are in
my use of memory and how postgres uses memory.
I am running PostgreSQL 6.4 on BSDI 3.0 with 64M ram and 262M virtmem.
table sessions is 74M and 371K records

isfiji=> explain select user_name from sessions;
Seq Scan on sessions  (cost=21330.73 size=371719 width=12)

This query (above) works without a hitch from psql

isfiji=> explain select * from sessions;
Seq Scan on sessions  (cost=21330.73 size=371719 width=138)

The query above can access over 250M of memory according to top but dies
with either a seg fault or the latest, something called
"calloc: Cannot allocate memory"

I have had to set datasize to 256M which seems to be unrealistic. This table
is only 74M, it has a 15M index which the explain does not think is used.
Even if the entire table has to be sucked into mem and then duplicated
elsewhere in mem as a result this only accounts for 148M. Besides, is it
reaonable to require more than 256M of ram to copy a table from disk to

Having built this mass of data I don't seem to be able to do any useful
queries with it. Actually, just having problems with the query I want which
select user_name,sess_time,start, stop
from sessions
where date_part('epoch',start) between '$t1' and '$t2';

By the way, the following query from a PHP script works great, and because
it uses an index, very fast.
select date_trunc('minutes',sum(sess_time)) from
sessions where
user_name='$FORM{username}' and date_part('epoch',start)>'$t1' and

The latter query is asking for 1 out of 3000 summaries approx.

Here are the questions...

1) Can someone explain how postgreSQL uses memory so that I can understand
what I should be doing here.
BTW, I am running postgres with -B 884. Can someone also explain how
postgres uses shared mem so that I can have a clue what would be a
reasonable setting.

2) Can any BSDI folk give me any tuning tips. I am especially interested to
hear from those who claim "some might tell you that we run equally well on
FreeBSD" or "BSD is the One True Code", of course all help is gratefully

John Henderson


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