I have Debian 2.1
PostgreSQL 6.5.3
with PHP 3.0.5
e php-pgsql module

I have set up everything. Apache works, php works, pgsql module is
loaded but this is the message whe i try to connect to the db:

Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: connectDB() failed: Is the
postmaster running and accepting TCP/IP(with -i) connections at
'bigpaul' on port '5432'? in /var/www/ciao.php3 on line 34

The sintax to connect to the db is:

   $dbserver = "bigpaul"; //bigpaul is my server name
   $dbport   = "5432";
   $database = "gestione";

   $conn = pg_Connect ("host=$dbserver port=$dbport dbname=$database");
   if (!$conn) { // Errore accesso al database
     echo "Si &egrave; verificato un errore.\n";
   } else {


In the documentation it is written that if you have this kind of problem
it means that:
1) the postmaster it is not running
2) you have not specified the server name.

I have the capabilities to use psql so I think that the postmaster is
running (I can create db, tables etc.)
I have specified, omitted, declared as "" the server name

So what can I do?

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