Lamar Owen wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Il Paolone wrote:
> > Lamar Owen wrote:
> > > Is postmaster being started with the '-i' switch??

I have found with deja, this french problem just now, I am trying, I'll
let you know.
Fait un petit tour dans le repertoire /etc/postgresql.
 Tu y trouveras des fichiers de config, dont postmaster.init qui
contient une ligne pour autoriser les connexion TCP/IP
 : PGALLOWTCPIP=yes Ainsi que PGPORT=5432 pour definir le port TCP.
 Il y a aussi le fichier  pg_hba.conf qui te permets d'autoriser les
connexions a distances.

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEES! it works, once again saved me. And you
also pushed me to look for the right solution.
Thanks a lot.

I also found this....
Check line 64 of /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-startup.
 echo link it to /bin/true and run '/etc/init.d/postgresql
 There is a mis-matched quote mark. Change the first ` to a ' and the
 should start.

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