Steve Wampler wrote:

I'd like to update from 8.1.9 to 8.2.4 to take advantage of
the multiple value INSERT but don't see at least two of the
RPMs for 8.2.4 that I need.
I need the Java and Python interfaces supplied with
(from 8.1.9):


Can I just continue to use those with the above 8.2.4
RPMs?  What about the odbc support, which would be useful,
but not as critical?

To answer my own question:  both of the above two RPMs work fine
with 8.2.4.  Dunno about obdc, but imagine it would also work.

While I'm at it, I also need libpqxx working for C++.  The last
set of RPMs I've found are really for PG7, but they seem
to work alright with PG 8.1.x (after some trickery to get them
to install with and use instead of

Does anyone know if this version:


will work with 8.2.4?

Yes, provided you symlink /usr/lib/ as /usr/lib/
(Might work by symlinking /usr/lib/ as /usr/lib/, but
I haven't tried that.)
Steve Wampler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The gods that smiled on your birth are now laughing out loud.

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