Arg!  Thanks to everyone for their help.  I followed a few suggestions I
got from here, and installed Time::HiRes on my box (that part was my
idea actually ;)), to monitor how long the query's take.  I know all the
stats show the MySQL is faster, but in my situation, postgres is really
kicking ass.  None of the query's took longer than .03 seconds ;).  Then
again, the database is small ... but anyway, in my script, we also call
to an oracle Database.  THAT is slow.  Of the 2.6 seconds it takes to
execute the script, 2.3 is that oracle call.  Granted its a huge ~8 line
query, but its still oracle's "fault".  Thanks for all your help guys
and gals!

P.S. Anyone know of a script to convert oracle db to postgres?  :)  Or
if I dump the oracle tables, will postgres be able to read them?

Tom Lane wrote:
> ernie cline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Need more detail ...
> > What else do you need to know?
> What queries are you issuing, *exactly*?  You might find it easiest
> to restart the postmaster with -d2 and collect the queries in the
> postmaster's log...
>                         regards, tom lane

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