On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 23:37 -0700, Guido Neitzer wrote:
> On 08.01.2008, at 23:20, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

> Like, I have a situation where I need multi-master just for  
> availability. Two small servers are good enough for that. But  
> unfortunately with PostgreSQL the whole setup is a major pain in the ...

Isn't that the reason they hire DB admins and not the run of the mill

I've not played with multimaster (sync/async) and I doubt I will since
there's no requirement for it., (yet)

In any case, based on my research there's lots of FOSS and (not-so)FOSS
based solutions and of course, each comes with their own learning curve
and also depends on the complexity of the requirements. (Mind you, even
MSSQL with all it's polished point and click interface, you still have
times when you pull hairs out)

I've done a simple master/slave configuration which is faring well, so
that's fine (for me)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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