lan ping wrote:
Hi, there

In our database, some customers' names contain French accent like
É,é,È,è. In one server, case-insensitive search works for capital letters. For example,
SELECT lower('ÉÈ') could return éè . But the other server cannot.
It is very strange, as the two server use the same Fedora linux, and
 the same
 version of Postgres(8.2.4). We all use LATIN1 encoding.

Could you give me a hand? Thank you very much.

Are you sure you're using LATIN1 on both?

js=# \l
        List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
 js        | cww      | UTF8
 test      | cww      | LATIN1
[ ...snip... ]

js=# SELECT lower('ÉÈ');
(1 row)

js=# \c test
You are now connected to database "test".
test=# SELECT lower('ÉÈ');
(1 row)

It seems the UTF8 database performs lower() correctly, but the LATIN1 database does not.


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