Yes. I'm sure that we are using LATIN1 on both. ServerA works, but ServerB not. 
We changed the local of ServerA(as it is a testing server) the same as ServerB, 
but ServerA still works. Quite strange.

Pavel Stehule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello

> Are you sure you're using LATIN1 on both?
> js=# \l
>          List of databases
>     Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
> -----------+----------+----------
>   js        | cww      | UTF8
>   test      | cww      | LATIN1
> [ ...snip... ]
> js=# SELECT lower('ÉÈ');
>   lower
> -------
>   éè
> (1 row)
> js=# \c test
> You are now connected to database "test".
> test=# SELECT lower('ÉÈ');
>   lower
> -------
>   ÉÈ
> (1 row)
> It seems the UTF8 database performs lower() correctly, but the LATIN1
> database does not.
> Colin

when database uses different encoding, than is specified in cluster's
initialization, then lower, upper doesn't work.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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