

I'm interested in using PGPool to do the load balancing, and it was
suggested that I put one server running PGPool in front of two
database servers. This only seems to move my risk to the PGPool
You could use linux hearbeat to allow one Pgpool server to "watch after" another (and take over in the case of a failure), or you could try to do something with CARP or some other related balancing scheme. In the CARP case you would have a single master that would respond to network requests, and another slave (running pgpool) that would sit idle until it needed to leap into action to "save the day".
Is it possible to point two servers running PGPool at the same two
database servers? If so, I seem to recall reading about being able to
use some kind of virtual IP address to split the traffic to both.
CARP...I've never tried to use it for such a thing (I've used it for firewall redundancy in the past..which is what I think it was designed for), but I'm fairly certain you could do so without too much trouble.

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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