Joe wrote
> It occurs to me that it shouldn't be terribly difficult to make an
> alternate version of crosstab() that returns an array rather than tuples
> (back when crosstab() was first written, Postgres didn't support NULL
> array elements). Is this worth considering for 8.4?

I think there should be a generic way in Postgres to return from an EAV model. 
Although I have no evidence on that I keep thinking that the db must be more 
effective at that than the application would be.

I was hoping that now with PG supporting plan invalidation it would be possible 
to return a recordset. If there is no generic way to return a recordset than 
being able to return an array is much better than nothing.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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