Tony Caduto wrote:
paul rivers wrote:
Going from 8.2.4 and 8.2.6 to 8.3.0 has been painless for me. However, unlike the blogger you cite, I read the directions before, not after, attempting it.

The blogger has a point about pg_dump and restore, it could be much better, for example the backup process could be part of the server core and instead of having a fat client where most of the process is running on the client, a API could be used where the backup is generated on the server and then have options where it could be left on the server or transferred to the clients PC.

Using pg_dump remotely is becoming a pain because it's not really backwards compatible with earlier releases, so you end up having to have multiple copies laying around to use on different server versions.

While Firebird is mostly inferior, it's backup system is much nicer that PostgreSQL's system. Firebird uses a backup API, so if you backup remotely there is no fat client needed and it eliminates all the dependency issues on the client side. The client access library implements the API and that's it. You of course could hack something similar on PGSQL by using SSH and remotely executing pg_dump on the server, but that does not really help on windows servers where SSH is not a common thing.

The backup data is coming back to the client regardless, so why not just return it as a result set?

Just my opinion on the matter, no flames please.

I agree with you 100% it would be nice if this weren't necessary, so no flames intended! It's just if the blogger is going to use a software package, it's in his/her best interests to rtfm. It's no good to write, say, a lot of tricky SQL that depends on transactional control and properties of certain isolation levels, and then be surprised when in MySQL I get odd results, especially when my tables span storage engine types. If I did that, I would blame myself, not MySQL, even if I also thought MySQL should reconsider the behavior. MySQL did warn me after all, in the docs.

I do agree it would be nice to change this aspect, and no, I've no clue how hard it would be. As a model of ease and flexibility, Microsoft's SQL Server is very good in this respect, probably the easiest I've ever worked with (at least from v2000 -> v2005, prior version upgrades were a little rockier). Hot backups of full databases via T-SQL commands, in-place upgrades that convert page structures as necessary, turn archive log mode on/off dynamically, differential vs incremental backups, backups by tablespace, etc. All in all, they got that part of their engine mostly right, excepting from problems in 2000 with relocating master database files (and got a nice head-start that direction from Sybase).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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