On Mar 26, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Leif B. Kristensen wrote:
On Wednesday 26. March 2008, Ron Mayer wrote:

I'd prefer a "pg" program that took as arguments
the command.  So you'd have "pg createdb" instead
of "pg_createdb".

There are many precedents. "cvs update", "git pull"
"apt-get install".

Anyone else like this approach?

I'll second that. It would be much easier on the brain, as you might
issue a "pg --help" if you don't remember the exact syntax or even the
name of each command.

Seems like it'd be a fair bit more work to do than a simple
rename, but the end result seems a nice clean solution.

Would it make it more difficult to do a client-only
installation if "pg" replaced both things like pg_ctl and
initdb as well as createdb and createuser, though?


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