Le Wednesday 26 March 2008 15:25:04 Zdeněk Kotala, vous avez écrit :
> 1) What type of names do you prefer?
> -------------------------------
> a) old notation - createdb, createuser ...
> b) new one with pg_ prefix - pg_createdb, pg_creteuser ...
> c) new one with pg prefix - pgcreatedb, pgcreateuser ...
> d) remove them - psql is the solution
> e) remove them - pgadmin is the solution

One thing I really liked as a newcomer to PostgreSQL, compared to MySQL, was 
the ability to create users and databases from command line, like a sysadm is 
used to, meaning before learning how PostgreSQL works.
Compare to GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to USER ... WITH PASS... ; flush privileges; 
which tended not to work as stated in the documentation... well, I'm somewhat 
attached to those command line tools.

> 2) How often do you use these tools?
> -----------------------------------
> a) every day (e.g. in my cron)
> b) one per week
> c) one time
> d) never

Each time I setup a new postgresql server / service, not quite as often as B, 
much more than C.

> 3) What name of initdb do you prefer?
> ---------- --------------------------
> a) initdb
> b) pg_initdb
> c) pg_init
> d) pg_ctl -d <dir> init  (replace initdb with pg_ctl new functionality)
> e) What is initdb? My start/stop script does it automatically.


> 4) How do you perform VACUUM?
> -----------------------------
> a) vacuumdb - shell command
> b) VACUUM - SQL command
> c) autovacuum
> d) What is vacuum?

autovacuum + a cron every 30 mins on some tables that need frequent purging.


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