I've installed PostgreSQL 7.0.2 on Solaris following the INSTALL file
that comes with the source.
When I do:
make runtest
it gives out the following error message in regress.out:
postmaster must already be running for the regression tests to succeed.
The time zone is set to PST8PDT for these tests by the client frontend.
Please report any apparent problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
See regress/README for more information.
=============== dropping old regression database... =================
=============== creating new regression database... =================
=============== installing languages... =================
installing PL/pgSQL .. createlang: missing required argument PGLIB
(This is the directory where the interpreter for the procedural
language is stored. Traditionally, these are installed in whatever
'lib' directory was specified at configure time.)
Also, when I do:
make runcheck
the following message is in the postmaster.log
IpcSemaphoreCreate: semget failed (No space left on device)
key=65432015, num=16, permission=600
This type of error is usually caused by an improper
shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
For more information, see the FAQ and platform-specific
FAQ's in the source directory pgsql/doc or on our
web site at http://www.postgresql.org.
FATAL 1: InitProcGlobal: IpcSemaphoreCreate failed