On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 05:00:49PM +0800, Paul Juliano wrote:
> installing PL/pgSQL .. createlang: missing required argument PGLIB
> directory
I don't know about this one.
> Also, when I do:
> make runcheck
> the following message is in the postmaster.log
> IpcSemaphoreCreate: semget failed (No space left on device)
> key=65432015, num=16, permission=600
> This type of error is usually caused by an improper
> shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
> For more information, see the FAQ and platform-specific
> FAQ's in the source directory pgsql/doc or on our
> web site at http://www.postgresql.org.
> FATAL 1: InitProcGlobal: IpcSemaphoreCreate failed
Simplest solution: quit the other postmaster, then make runcheck. Otherwise
double your IPC settings - depending on the OS this might involve building
a new kernel.