Good Morning Emiliano-

since postgres is written in 'C'
and Most of us on this list have programmed in C ..although my experience was 
'used in last millenia'

if we reference contrib/query/tsearch2/query.c

when you see  statements such as

you are calling a header file at \include\server\fmgr\fmgr.h which is 
macro-subbing at 

#define PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(funcname) \
extern Pg_finfo_record * CppConcat(pg_finfo_,funcname) (void); \
Pg_finfo_record * \
CppConcat(pg_finfo_,funcname) (void) \
{ \
 static Pg_finfo_record my_finfo = { 1 }; \
 return &my_finfo; \
} \
extern int no_such_variable

In any case please feel free to ping us for any questions you might have
It sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead of you

Buena Suerte
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Emiliano Moscato 
  To: Andrej Ricnik-Bay 
  Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 8:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedures in C

  Thanks a lot for the response Andrej!

  One of these texts was known for me. But all of them are VERY basic. No one 
explains how to do a query and manage results :(
  The only one that manage querys is the source code placed at 
contrib/tablefunc in the Postgres distribution. But is VERY hard to follow for 
me :( I would like to find an intermediate step.
  Thanks again


  2008/4/23 Andrej Ricnik-Bay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

    On 24/04/2008, Emiliano Moscato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    > I have to do some stuff writing stored procedures for Postgres in C. I saw
    > the oficial documentation but it was hard for me to find out how to do a
    > simple function, let's call it "query()" , that receives a string and uses
    > this string to do a query and return the results. Has anyone some 

    You don't mentioned where else you looked - did you come across these?

    > Thanks in advance...
    > Regards,
    > Emiliano


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  "No hay nada que uno haga mal , lo que hay es poco vino." Autor Anonimo 

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