On Wed, 23 Jul 2008, Andrej Ricnik-Bay wrote:

Now there's an interesting piece of information :) How long
ago did you upgrade it?


  I found the thread in the archives for June of this year.

  Re-reading the posted results of running initdb I tried a different
approach to starting the server. Instead of using pg_ctl I used 'postgres -D
/var/lib/pgsql/data &' (while logged in as user postgres, of course.) That
cleaned up a bad shutdown (when I had to reboot the system after it hung),
fixed the missing socket, and replaced the .pid. So, it's up and running
once again.

  My question is how best to modify the startup script so the postmaster
fires up when the system is rebooted. I don't see an option to 'su' to
specify the postgres user's password so I can script this. Have you any



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