On Wed, September 10, 2008 10:54 am, Zdenek Kotala wrote:
>>> Three questions (yeah, you forbided ask, but ...)
>> grumble grumble grumble...
>>> 1) Why 64
>>> 64bit code on SPARC is slower, because SPARC uses 4byte instructions
>>> and processing 64bit data needs more instructions. It is good only if
>>> you need more then 4GB share memory. When you use sunstudio compiler
>>> with best optimization 64bit application has 1%-5% performance
>>> degradation.
>> A. Many databases use more than 4GB share memory.
> Of course but you mention that you have only 4GB RAM.

This is my test machine :-)

>> B. Re: SunStudio - that's why I'm using GCC.
> I don't understand you there. Sunstudio generates better code on SPARC
> and it is faster than code produced with GCC.

I read your statement too fast. Nevermind my response to that.

>>> 2) Why you don't use package
>>> You can use Solaris'es packages, which are integrated and optimized
>>> for Solaris.
>> Which are bloated with stuff I don't need and missing stuff I do. Not
>> to mention terribly outdated.
> Could you be more specific? If is there something what you missing or
> what is wrong in Solaris'es packages let me know. Maybe I can improve it.

I just don't like the Solaris package system in general. It is, dare I
say, worse than RPM. But this is a PostgreSQL list, so I'll save the rant!

>>> 3)  Why you don't use build-in libssl?
>>> Integrated libssl is not only copy of original open ssl. It has lot
>>> of improvements and it uses crypto hardware accelerator if you have
>>> it (for example Niagara 2).
>> But it is 32-bit.
> No, You have 64bit version in /usr/sfw/lib/64.

I did not know that! I need to check it out later. Thanks for the tip.


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