On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Robert Treat
> On Monday 17 November 2008 17:02:54 Blazej wrote:
>> Of course you must delete schema before shutdown PostgreSQL and OS - I
>> dont't now how resolve problem with error when the schema was not
>> deleted? - I have no time to think about it maybe anybody know how to
>> restore db when the in memory schema was damaged?
> based on some similar, uh, experiences i've run across, i'd think easiest
> would be to keep a script around with truncate commands for all your tables,
> then when you restart, you run that script, which will "fix" your schema for
> you. This assumes you're keeping the default table space on hdd, if you lose
> the system catalogs, the right answer is "initdb"

Heck, you could run PITR to another pgsql instance on the local hard
drives for cheap, and then if things go horribly wrong, you just
reinit the ram based instance and restore it from the hard drive one.

One shouldn't act / believe / have faith that the in store version of
the db is durable.  Of course it's not, no machine stays up all the
time without any errors.  Even mainframes occasionally suffer
downtime, even if it's some guy hitting the big red switch on accident
during a customer tour of the datacenter.

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