On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Bob Pawley <rjpaw...@shaw.ca> wrote:

>  Hi
> I've been operating on localhost successfully for some time.
> I am now attempting to access a Postgresql 8.3 database installed on one of
> my other computers conneted through a router.
> Is this possible?
> My first attempts have been with Postgresql Admin.
> I changed host to the IP address of the computer and input the other info.
> I also ran - listen virtual; on the receiving server.
> It hasn't connected successfully. I get the message 'Server not listening'
> What else can I do??
> Bob

  1.  Configure pg_hba.conf to allow access from your network, internet,
etc, as appropriate.
  2.  If you're accessing the database from outside of your network, across
a NAT, ensure that your router forwards port 5432 to your database server.
  3.  Ensure that port 5432 is not blocked by your firewalls.

Best of luck,


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