On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net> writes:
I just had a brief outage on a production server running 8.3.6, which
I suspect was triggered by me running a table bloat report making lots
of pgstattuple calls.

The first I got of it was the script I'd just kicked off died:

could not open segment 1 of relation 1663/16409/11088101 (target block
131292): No such file or directory
CONTEXT:  writing block 131292 of relation 1663/16409/11088101
Doing an immediate shutdown and restart seems to have brought
everything back online.

What's the actual size of that relation now?  Is it growing rapidly?
(I'm trying to figure out whether those writes *should* have succeeded,
or whether the block numbers were corrupt in memory.)

I can't seem to find a file on disk named 11088101 or an entry in pg_class 
where relfilenode = 11088101.

Are the allocated table oids always increasing? If so, I can pretty much 
guarantee that the missing relation was a temporary table or the index on the 
temporary table. It had a single integer column and maybe 50million rows.

Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net>

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