On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net> writes:
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>>> What's the actual size of that relation now?  Is it growing rapidly?
>>> (I'm trying to figure out whether those writes *should* have succeeded,
>>> or whether the block numbers were corrupt in memory.)
>> I can't seem to find a file on disk named 11088101 or an entry in pg_class 
>> where relfilenode = 11088101.
>> Are the allocated table oids always increasing? If so, I can pretty much 
>> guarantee that the missing relation was a temporary table or the index on 
>> the temporary table. It had a single integer column and maybe 50million rows.
> The OIDs increase till they wrap around, so what this sounds like is a
> problem with somebody fetching temporary-table blocks into shared memory
> (where they should never be), and then things going wrong after the
> owning backend drops the temp table (without having cleared out shared
> buffers, which it won't do because it doesn't think it needs to).  Can
> you say what was the exact command(s) you were using with pgstattuple?

Get a list of everything I'm interested in:

        SELECT pg_class.oid, nspname, relname
        FROM pg_class,pg_namespace
        WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
            AND relkind IN ('r', 't', 'i') -- normal table, toast, index
            AND nspname IN ('public', '_sl')
        ORDER BY nspname, relname

For every result, get the pgstattuple information I'm interested in
for my reports:

            FROM pgstattuple(%(oid)s)

I might be passing objects into pgstattuple that it can't handle - the
system exploded before I could tune the table selection criteria. I
notice that my  query will have asked pgstattuple for information
about the temporary table. Which appears to work when testing locally,
but I'm not engineering any race conditions.

Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net>

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