(Kenneth Tilton) writes:
> Just looking for postgres "best practices" input from the veterans:

OIDs are decidedly a bad idea; the difference between "natural" IDs
and "surrogate" IDs is a general database issue that is fairly well
documented in the literature and is not notably a PostgreSQL-specific

There are competing doctrines, basically between the respective

 a) Some believe that there should always be a natural primary key,
    and that it is wrong to attempt to use surrogates

 b) Others contend that even when users claim to provide natural
    primary keys that they are actually lying when they suggest
    certainty about this

Major bashing can take place back and forth.
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "")
Rules  of  the Evil  Overlord  #100.  "Finally,  to keep  my  subjects
permanently locked in  a mindless trance, I will  provide each of them
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